Accounting summary with VAT
Accounting summary with VAT
59,90 €

Accounting summary with VAT

59,90 €EUR59.9Accounting summary with VAT

This module allows you to have a complete accounting report, which not only allows you to give a CSV file listing the sales over a given period to your accountant,
but also allows you to analyze your sales by sorting the data by profit, unit profit in order to see the most profitable and least profitable products

More details

Module version 1.3.1
Last update 08/09/2023
Compatible with PrestaShop 1.6 Yes
Compatible with PrestaShop 1.7 Yes
Compatible with PrestaShop 1.8 Oui
Back Office Demo DEMO

Module presentation video


You can have simplified accounting, no need to waste hours seeing orders, shipping costs, refunds, everything is available in seconds and the data can in each case be analyzed in Excel.

Configuration of the accounting report

You can select :

  • order status
  • start date
  • end date
  • the store (if you are a multistore)
  • display of shipping costs
  • display of discounts
  • display of product refunds
  • display of delivery refunds
  • the countries
  • the different fields:
    • date of the order,
    • reference,
    • name of the store,
    • ID_order,
    • ID_order_detail,
    • Order status,
    • Customer (last name, first name and id_customer),
    • customer's address,
    • VAT number,
    • Country,
    • States (of the country),
    • Product name with id_product,
    • Product name with the name of the variation,
    • VAT amount per unit,
    • amount,
    • tax total amount,
    • VAT rate,
    • Unit price without taxes,
    • Unit price with taxes,
    • Total price without taxes,
    • Total price with taxes,
    • motto,
    • exchange rate,
    • Buying price,
    • benefit,
    • unit benefits
  • sorting data (date, id_order, profit ...)
  • sort ranking (ascending, descending)

Viewing the accounting report

The first row of the table (which displays the names of the fields) remains visible even if the table is long enough, which allows you to always see what the columns correspond to

the successive orders appear on a different colored background and are separated by a thick line which makes it easier to differentiate them

In the back office, the table displays the currencies and the percent sign but in the CSV table (for excel) they are removed to facilitate data analysis, BUT you can display a currency column (which will display €, $ ... ) in order to find you there.
Obviously you can display the exchange rate column to see the rate between your currency and that of the customer at the time of the order, so you can have different exchange rates between different orders.

The values ​​for discounts, product refunds, and delivery refunds are preceded by "-", again to simplify data analysis in Excel and simplify accounting work.

VAT per product, unit VAT per product, profits, unit profits

Depending on your needs you can display certain columns such as VAT amount per unit and total tax amount (amount of VAT per unit * quantity), check with your accountant to know what he wants to have as data and in what order he want the columns.
If you want to analyze your sales a bit, you can for example look at the unit profit by product, by classifying them by the field "unit profit" in ascending or descending order. So you will see the most profitable products that bring you the most money;)

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